Monday, March 12, 2012

Disruptions, Dissolutions, and Adoption Panel

We're coming to the end of our 10 weeks of MAPP class! 2 more classes left! We've successfully turned in ALL of our paper work, printed our adoption scrapbook, and passed our physicals! Last week in class, we worked through the dark side of adoptions....disruptions and dissolutions. It is a reality that there are people who go through all the work, paper work, and red tape to get a child, and then GIVE THEM BACK! While it's sounds so unthinkable, there are MANY potential adoptive parents that give up when the going gets tough. Disruptions occur when potential adoptive parents decide to have the child move out before the adoption is finalized. We can't help but put ourselves in the shoes of that child...the rejection, hurt, unworthiness, and anger they must feel. Our heart can't help but to break. Dissolutions occur when a child is returned to foster care after the adoption has been finalized. WOW! Imagine taking someone's name and being officially a part of their family, and then, they reject you. Children from the foster care system are looking for the same unconditional love, support, and acceptance that any child desires. However, they experienced more hurt, rejection, and loss than the average child.

In tonight's panel class, we heard from post-adoptive families and children along with other workers within the foster care system. There were two special children that spoke and shared their experiences. Lilly and Jalen were both teenagers that have lived basically their entire life in care. They've experienced many foster families and unfortunately a disruption or two. Their main plea to us was, "PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP ON US." We will test you. We will try you. We will drive you to the brink. But it's only to know if you truly love us. The adults in our life have not proven faithful, and we need to know if you are different than "the rest of them." So please love us.

We gained a wealth of information from tonight's panel. We're feeling like we're forming a better understanding of what we're getting ourselves into. We'll never be fully prepared for this adventure, but that's why its an adventure. Something new is always around the corner.

Another step was achieved in tonight's class. We were assigned to our Family Adoption Specialist, Shannon. She will be guiding us through this process and our primary liaison in the match process. We would appreciate your prayers for her specifically as she handles our case and considers potential matches for our little family.

Lastly, we'd like to share with you one video from our class. It's a "Story of Aging Out." This is a man who grew up in foster care and NEVER was adopted. He aged out of the system. Praise the Lord...he became successful. However, he still cares the scares of his childhood. His statement at the end pulls at our heart strings. "Who wouldn't be proud now to call me their son."

Our heart is already given to these future children who we haven't even met yet. We've given our hear to adoption. It's our prayer that more christian families will answer the call and make room in their heart for a child.

Thank you for all of your continued support, love, prayers, and encouragement. We still covet your prayers.


  1. Thanks for sharing... God bless.

  2. Love you guys and will continue to pray for you and your future children!
