Friday, June 1, 2012

Progress...We Think!

We know the blog has been silent for a long while. It's because things on the adoption front have been very quiet. It's been three months today that we submitted our finger prints for national background checks. What was a 8 week wait turned into a 10 week wait and now 12 weeks. Needless to say, we're going crazy with the waiting. We guess the Lord figured that we need to learned some patience because our faith has certainly been worked and tried. James 1:3, For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow (NLT). So we'll just consider these 3 long months a growing time. We can not proceed any further in the home study and adoption process until our backgrounds come back clear. 

Mallory has been doing much of the email correspondence with our adoption specialist, Shannon. She received some "good news"...we think. Shannon will be approaching her boss on Monday to get permission to continue in the home study process without the background checks. She hopes to start the home study and while we are going through that the backgrounds will FINALLY come in. The home study will be pending approval until the background checks come in. 

Please be in prayer. Pray for three things: 1). Shannon's supervisor would be open and willing to let us start the home study without the background checks. 2.) The back ground checks would come in quickly! 3.) That the process would proceed without any more hold ups throughout the summer. Mallory will be off of school for 8 weeks during the summer, and we will be able to prepare more fully with a lighter summer schedule. 

Our hearts are ready for our child/children, and the hard part is waiting. The Lord's timeline is best. We're trusting in His perfect plan. Thank you to all of our prayer warriors out there!

1 comment:

  1. I am praying for God's perfect timing and your peace during the waiting. I know you will be amazing parents and will bless a child/children with the most amazing home filled with God's love.
