A dear friend of ours suggested that we revive the old blog and start journaling about our process through adoption. So we've revamped the old blogspot that hasn't been updated in 2 years and renewed our commitment to updating it more faithfully. Now, all of our friends and family know where to go to get an update.
The beginning....
From the time we married, we knew we wanted a family, but the traditional family never seemed “right” to us. There was never a strong desire to bring our own children into the world. We'd filled our lives with working with kids, but having one of our own bloods just didn't fit.
Adoption was always an option for us, so we began exploring the opportunities available to us. We began praying and seeking God's face in the matter, and the calling on our heart just became abundantly clear. It wasn't a lightning bolt experience or sudden epiphany, but a gradual opening of our eyes to the Lord's desire for our lives. Last February, we made application for foster care to a faith-based children's home here in Florida. Through a series of circumstances out of our control, the door just closed. So, Mallory began looking into other faith-based children's homes and organizations. All doors just closed in our face. It was a discouraging place to be. I (Mallory) began to think we had gotten God's will all wrong. We had missed all of the signs. Kevin in his quiet wisdom said that God was just slowing us down, because our child wasn't ready for us yet.
In a last effort to find an agency, we contacted the county foster care system. Doors flew open for us. We attended an adoption orientation in October and began our required parenting classes just last night. It was the first step in a very long process. Our MAPP (Model Approach to Partnership Parenting) classes last until the end of March. Then, the next step is a home study. No other steps towards selection and matching with a child can be made until classes and home study are complete. All in all, we are looking at a 1-2 year process. We're not trying to rush, but work on God's time table.
Why Adoption....
When praying and considering building our family through adoption, James 1:27 appeared to us multiple times.
Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.(NLT). We've coined this verse the James 1:27 calling our life. We understand that adoption is not an easy process and raising a child half way through their childhood will be a challenge. We believe God will not call us to anything that He will not give us the grace and wisdom to see us through.
We have both been blessed with amazing families filled with love, compassion, and nurturing. Our childhoods were incredible with wise, loving parents that are amazing grandparents. There are 4 siblings with awesome spouses that are fun aunts and uncles that have provided 10 great cousins. We have memorable family vacations, rambunctious holidays, and sweet fellowship. This is a family that every child would dream of having. God was more than gracious to us in our life. There are over 2500 children in Florida praying for
forever families. Why couldn't our family be that
forever family for 2 or 3 of those 2500 children?
Last night's first meeting in MAPP was further confirmation, as Kevin and I wiped the tears from our eyes from hearing some of the stories of children in foster care, our hearts were unified in saying, "We're ready for the challenge! Here we are, Lord. Send us!"
Thank you for joining us in this journey through the web. We were overwhelmed with the amount of support we’ve been shown. We covet prayers all of your prayers.
You all will be a part of this child or children’s forever family.