What' s up with all of the social networking, blogging, tweeting, updating, skyping, etc. OVERLOAD. Yes, we're a part of every network out there. Been there. Done that. Got the T-Shirt. We have Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, Skype, and yes, this Blog. We have deleted our Xanga accounts and traded in the good ol' fashion AIM for Facebook Messenger and Windows Live! Instead of email, we send a message, and post status updates through our blackberries. You can track us anywhere in the world, and our lives are almost a public record.
If we just spent this much time investing in ministry, service, and true worship, life would seem far less complicated and pure.
So if we don't update and comment as much as we should (please forgive us), just know that we are alive and well and probably posting it on facebook or twitter.
Looking towards eternity with a hope in the future Christ has promised us!
More to come in the future!
Kev & Mal